Monday, March 31, 2008

Lakeshore Farm History

Lakeshore Farm was original started by Starbird Turner in 1805. The Town of Rome was founded by Mr. Turner and 3 others in 1803. The split granite foundation dates from 1805 and some of the rock was cut from the big stone at the north end of the orchard. While the finishes of the brick farm house indicate 1830’s, the timing of the various components is still open to interpretation. The bricks for the farm were formed and baked on the property to the west of the road.

The Turner clan held the farm into the 1880 when the Tracy clan came by the farm. Details still being gathered.

Tracy sold the farm to RH Bradley of NJ in 1935. The Bradley clan held the farm until 1959 when it was sold to Karel & Virginia Jacobs. The orchard was developed by the Bradleys and the farm produced milk and eggs during the second world war. The Bradleys employed the McTaggart family to run the farm and were present during the summers down on the lake at their camp.

Karel was of Dutch decent and had hoped to raise flowers. The Jacobs held the farm and added to the land holdings until 2006. The Jacobs built a new home further up on the property where they reside today.

In 2006, Jesse, Jen & Bradley Abbott of Scarborough, ME purchased the farm house and some fields from the Jacobs. The Abbotts are current reworking the primary field for sustainable agriculture. In 2008, 20 new trees will be plant in and around the orchard and the fields will be fed soil amendments and a rotation of crops will be begun. The Abbotts have consulted a number of agronomists and are working on holistic farming solutions.

The Abbotts are in the process of acquiring the remainder of the land from the Jacobs from stream to stream and from the road, Rt 225 down to the lake.

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